Venturing out close to home

Venturing out close to home By Joe Rector Some family members describe Amy and me as miserly. We are thrifty, but on occasion, we splurge just a bit to enjoy a new experience. What we’ve discovered are plenty of places to go and things to do around Knoxville or within...

The Chief

The Chief By Joe Rector The first time I laid eyes on Dwight Smith, he was coaching his Karns High baseball team against Doyle High’s team. Dwight had just blown a valve over a call made by the umpire, and his loud voice informed the entire community that the ump...

Golf Buddies

Golf Buddies By Joe Rector I started playing golf after I married Amy. Her Poppa played and wanted me to go with him. I enjoyed the time with him, but my game was filled with hacks at the ball and worm burners that rolled along the fairways. At other times, the...

Banning knowledge

Banning knowledge By Joe Rector Let’s get this out front first: I spent my working years as a high school English teacher. It was a good job, and what made it a wonderful one was the interactions with high school students as I taught them grammar, writing, and...

Messing with Companies

Messing with Companies By Joe Rector All of us usually admire dogged determination. However, when that characteristic is displayed by some companies, it makes our blood pressures rise to stroke levels. I’ve run into several of those annoying situations lately, and...

My Rebel Life

By Joe Rector The picture with my column is several years old. I’m not sure anyone would recognize me now, although I don’t think I’ve changed one bit. Readers don’t much care what a writer looks like as long as the man or woman has something interesting to say. I’m...