A Good Neighbor

By Joe Rector I received news a few days ago that Ann Mier passed. Just today, I learned that her family wanted me to serve as a pall bearer, but I was in Nashville for my wife’s surgery and missed any communications that came to me via social media. To me, she was a...

Waiting for their return

By Joe Rector One of my Facebook friends posted a rather sad message the other day. He lamented the relationship with his growing daughter and longed for the years before when he was at the center of her world. I replied that he was only living the normal life of a...

Follicle Follies

By Joe Rector I’ll watch most anything on television, at least for a few minutes. Very little of what I view is offensive enough to make me change the channel or turn the set off. However, some commercials irk me to the point that I want to yell profanities at the...

Bell Shaped Curve Life

By Joe Rector A good friend of mine enlightened me on an important factor in life. Joe Dooley and I were discussing politics and world events. At one point, he looked at me and stated, “Everything in life is a bell-shaped curve.” Now, most people know that I am a...

Ideology or Leadership

By Joe Rector I love the state of Tennessee and give it my full loyalty. However, my patience with ignorance has ended, and that means I am fed up with moronic acts by our state government’s elected representatives. A recent article in the paper profiled infamous...

Back to the Game I Love

Just when a person thinks life is settling into a routine, fate, karma, or God Himself decides to shake things up. It happened to me recently. The phone rang on a Friday evening, and my daughter Lacey was on the other end. I was the person whom she had hoped to reach...