Central City and the Everly Brothers

Central City and the Everly Brothers A Day Away By Mike Steely Knoxville’s Everly Brothers Park is but one of many places across the country that claim the famous musicians, who attended West High School briefly and appeared on the Cas Walker Television Show as...

Finding Old Railroad Depots

Finding Old Railroad Depots A day Away By Mike Steely I grew up about a block away from a railroad station, back when passenger trains still ran. That old station is still there and when I’m visiting my hometown I often drop by and peek in. The station is now used by...

It’s Maple Syrup Time in Johnson City

It’s Maple Syrup Time in Johnson City A Day Away By Mike Steely The Tipton-Haynes State Historic Site in Johnson City is hosting the 22nd Annual Maple Syrup Festival and Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, February 8. The 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. event illustrates where maple...

Visiting the National Cathedral

Visiting the National Cathedral A Day Away By Mike Steely I was reminded recently while watching the funeral of former President Jimmy Carter at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., of previous visits to that historic church. The building is a wonderful place...

Revisiting some of our favorite state parks

Revisiting some of our favorite state parks A Day Away By Mike Steely Over the years, my wife and I have visited almost all of the Tennessee State Parks. Often we’re camping there or dropping by while moving from one park to another. We often stop and take photos of...

Visiting presidential sites

Visiting presidential sites More Than A Day Away By Mike Steely We have another presidential inauguration coming and it reminded me of the many times my wife and I have encountered presidents or their homes. I was stationed in Washington, D.C., in the 1960s and...