by Steve Williams | Jul 6, 2015 | Columnist, Williams
By Steve Williams Ahjanai Stephens picked participation over specialization in her high school athletic career at Austin-East. The Lady Roadrunners’ Student-Athlete of the Year participated in three sports plus band her senior year. I think that’s great. It may not be...
by Steve Williams | Jun 29, 2015 | Columnist, Williams
By Steve Williams I’ve tried to get Dave Hart’s attention about this Lady Vol thing. In my annual Dear Santa letter, I asked for Hart to be showered with Lady Vol gifts, with the hope that might make him a more passionate Lady Vol fan and understand better all the...
by Steve Williams | Jun 22, 2015 | Columnist, Williams
By Steve Williams Start the countdown. It’s 10 Saturdays until the Tennessee football opener. Television bigwigs last week put out the starting times for the season’s first three games. They pay no attention to such things as heat or cold when making these decisions....
by Steve Williams | Jun 15, 2015 | Columnist, Williams
By Steve Williams Just what we didn’t need. Another dark cloud over the University of Tennessee men’s basketball program. Allegations of serious academic wrongdoing in the Texas program when new Vols head coach Rick Barnes was employed there were reported last week....
by Steve Williams | Jun 8, 2015 | Columnist, Williams
By Steve Williams You know football season is getting closer when you pass by a magazine rack and see all those slick preseason publications. Like the sweet smell of honeysuckle, they annually arrive around the end of May or the first of June. My favorite grocery...
by Steve Williams | Jun 1, 2015 | Columnist, Williams
By Steve Williams The season before Mitch Turner got the head baseball coach’s position at Grace Christian Academy, he made a key observation at the TSSAA Class A state tournament as the Rams’ assistant. “I noticed two years ago we were a little shell shocked when we...