Dan Andrews, Photojournalist

Dan Andrews is a photojournalist for The Knoxville Focus and its blog, Focus 24/7. Dan may be contacted at andrewsd@knoxfocus.com. Add Dan at facebook.com/knoxcounty, twitter.com/knoxcounty and keek.com/knoxcounty http://securecommunication.blogspot.com/...

Dan Andrews, Photojournalist

Dan Andrews is a photojournalist for The Knoxville Focus and its blog, Focus 24/7. Dan may be contacted at andrewsd@knoxfocus.com. Add Dan at facebook.com/knoxcounty, twitter.com/knoxcounty and keek.com/knoxcounty http://securecommunication.blogspot.com/...

Focus on the Law: Tips for Landlords

By Sharon Frankenberg, Attorney at Law In my law practice, I have represented both tenants and landlords in negotiating contracts and litigating disputes arising from contracts. This week I would like to focus on tips to prevent common mistakes made on the landlord...

Focus on Law: Hiring a Lawyer

By Sharon Frankenberg, Attorney at Law Most people rarely find themselves in need of an attorney. When they do need an attorney, it is often in an emergency situation. Child custody disputes can arise suddenly and require immediate assistance from a lawyer. An arrest...

Focus on the Law: Written Contracts

By Sharon Frankenberg, Attorney at Law How many times have you heard the expression “Get it in writing”?   That is truly good advice for almost any transaction.  Enacted back in 1677, the English Statute of Frauds set out when a writing was required to make an...

Focus on the Law: Basic Estate Planning

By Sharon Frankenberg, Attorney at Law Whether you are rich, poor or somewhere in between, you should make plans for the future.  It may be uncomfortable to think about but we may not always be healthy and all of us will die someday.  It is important to decide what...