
By Dr. Jim Ferguson

Well, another conspiracy theory has been proven true. Last week, Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Meta interfered with the 2020 election by suppressing conservative opinion on his platform and preventing the Hunter Biden laptop story from circulating on “Fakebook.”

Recall that 17% of registered Democrats said they would not have voted for Biden/Harris if they had known of the infamous laptop information. And recall that the FBI knew the laptop was Hunter’s and had it for a year prior to the 2020 election. They did nothing except warn Facebook and other platforms of “Russian disinformation,” which actually came from Hillary Clinton’s campaign. No wonder the FBI, the Secret Service and the DOJ (Department of Justice), which continues to persecute President Trump, is no longer trusted.

So why would Zuckerberg supposedly come clean? You would be foolish to think that he’s had a change of heart or is contrite. He’s just covering his booty. I trust nothing that the tech lords say. But then I marvel that people still believe the mainstream media who have been repeatedly caught in lies as they cover for and promote the Democrat machine.

In a rational world, a failed president (Biden) and vice president (Harris) would not stand a chance against a successful president (Trump) who has been hectored, maligned, impeached, indicted by a corrupt legal system with lawfare and shot. Trump is like the Energizer Bunny and has more energy than me.

It’s hard to imagine President Trump as a victim because he has never projected such a persona. Americans are unique because they cheer for the underdog and have sympathy for those mistreated by corrupt and powerful systems. Trump is the poster child for the lies of the corrupt media and the abuses of a weaponized legal system.

It was the summer of 1826 and former President John Adams was dying. He and Thomas Jefferson had become bitter enemies during their political years, but late in life the two founders had rekindled their friendship writing dozens of letters to each other over nearly a decade. Unknown to the dying Adams, Thomas Jefferson was also dying. In fact, they both passed away on July 4, 1826, fifty years after The Declaration of Independence. In his last words, Adams exclaimed, “Jefferson lives!” although Jefferson died just before Adams.

After the assassination attempt on President Trump, I thought about Adams’ last words and the repaired relationship between the old political enemies. It seems doubtful that any Democrat would bury the hatchet of hatred for President Trump. I may not like Kamala, Pelosi, Schumer or Obama, but I hate no one. And if you do, I recommend you seek spiritual and medical consultation; especially, if you take offense that, despite an assassination attempt, I’m happy Trump lives!

As I’ve written, this election should be about policy rather than personality (see last week’s essay, “A Letter to My Daughters”). The Federalist John Adams did not agree with the policies of Democratic Republican Thomas Jefferson – whose party would later drop the Republican label. It is human nature to assume your reality is most relevant, but the awful political rhetoric of today was more than matched by the appalling and hate-filled rhetoric of the mid-1790s.

Heated elections promote passion, hyperbole and often unkind rhetoric. Therefore, I think it best to focus on the policy records of President Trump and Vice President Harris rather than emotional appeals.

The Trump presidency secured the border and promoted prosperity with lower taxes, rising wages and low inflation despite the Covid pandemic, the obstructionist Democrats and the “deep state” of entrenched bureaucrats. Trump shepherded energy independence and national/international security. Trump’s policies have not changed, although he Tweets less. Trump accepts SCOTUS’ decision on Roe v. Wade, returning abortion decisions to the states. Trump supports exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother, positions very similar the Hillary Clinton’s perspective that abortion should be “legal, safe and rare.”

Vice President Kamala Harris’ policies are those of the last three years, despite what she now says through her handlers. She failed to manage the border. She championed Bidenomics and cast the deciding vote on The Inflation Reduction Act, both of which did the opposite. She says she was the last person in the room helping Biden’s decision for the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. She was against fracking before she was for it. She was for electric cars before she was against them. Maybe she’ll endorse President Trump because she’s now for the border wall and for no tax on tips. As John Adams once said, “Facts are such troublesome things.”

Something is happening which may indicate a seismic shift in politics. Democrats like Senator Joe Manchin have left the Democrat party along with dozens of other notables. More recently, former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and Robert Kennedy Jr. have left the Democrat party and joined President Trump’s “big tent” MAGA movement along with record numbers of blacks and Hispanics. This coalition may be the most anti-establishment in history. And did you realize that Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump were once Democrats?

Want to see what America would be like with a Kamala presidency? Imagine Soviet-style price controls. Or just look at San Francisco where Kamala was once a politico and prosecutor.

The chameleon Kamala finally deigned to grant a friendly interview when her handlers convinced her that she couldn’t stay in the basement like Biden. This essay will go to publication before the pseudo press conference, but I don’t expect much. And the Elmer Fuddish Tim Waltz will be there to protect her from CNN’s Trump-hating Dana Bash. Remember, up until a few weeks ago, Kamala was considered a very bad vice president and a drag on the Biden ticket. But that was before the Democrat politburo canned Biden and sent him to the Delaware beach.

As she was melting in front of Dorothy, the Wicked Witch of the West moaned, “What a world. what a world,” or was that Nancy Pelosi? We find ourselves in uncharted territory with a Democrat coup d’etat, an assassination attempt on the Republican presidential candidate, the Democrat candidate who never won a single vote and who inanely rhapsodizes about yellow school buses, and craters on the moon. RFK Jr., the last JFK Democrat, has joined the Trump campaign along with Tulsi Gabbard who says it best: Trump’s policies are the way to promote “freedom, peace and prosperity.”

It’s your choice, America. Don’t screw it up.