By Ralphine Major

Its effects are still being seen and felt. More than a year and a half after the Covid pandemic entered our world, shortages galore are facing Americans. Who could have imagined in March 2020 that in the fall of 2021 more than 100 cargo ships on the west coast loaded with much needed supplies would remain offshore. It seems the number grows by the day.

In the early days of the pandemic, shelves emptied quickly of everyday items such as paper goods, flour, and sugar. The supply and demand eventually seemed to balance out somewhat, though shelves did not seem to get back to fully stocked like pre-pandemic days. Now, shortages are popping up everywhere. Schools in the Midwest are seeing milk shortages. Some grocery store shelves that are normally stocked with everyday staples are either empty or nearly empty. Even big-ticket items seem to be in short supply. Toys are in short supply. Customers are being advised to order early for Christmas. From clothing to furniture, supplies are limited if available at all. In some cases, items that would normally be in stock must now be ordered and may take months to be delivered.

Shop early; order early. Even in the midst of shortages and uncertainties, take time to enjoy the beauty of this season God has given us—and be thankful.


Words of Faith: “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (KJV)