Finding Christ in Christmas
By Ralphine Major
As the Christmas celebration closes in 2023, did you find Christ in Christmas this year? Perhaps you found Him while unwrapping a pretty package from under the tree. Perhaps you found Him during the Christmas program in the words of a beautiful Christmas carol. Maybe it was during Christmas dinner as your loved ones gathered to fellowship and dine that you found Christ in your Christmas.
For many years, my mind has gone to a favorite little ornament when thinking about finding Christ during Christmas. While I really enjoy the fun side of Christmas with glistening garland, bright lights, lifelike reindeer figurines, and green wreaths with big, red bows, I know there is more to Christmas than elaborate decorations and festivities. I have often said that if I could only choose one Christmas decoration, it would be the tiny ornament shown here depicting the nativity. It has become my favorite piece of all the Christmas decorations over the years. We have many nativity figurines featuring Joseph, Mary, and the Christ Child. But this one seems different. Made from a small block of wood, it is simple in design—much like the birth and life of Jesus. Each time I look at it, I see Christmas. It is always a reminder to me that the Christ Child who was born in a manger grew up to die on a cross and bring eternal life to all who believe in him. May you always find Christ in your Christmas, and may God’s richest blessings be yours every day in the coming year. Have a safe and Happy New Year!
Words of Faith: “And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.” Luke 2:16 (KJV).