By Ralphine Major

Spring—–Easter—–New Life!  It’s that season once again.  Winter has officially ended but for a few cool mornings and nights.  For some reason, the Easter holiday does not get all the attention that Christmas does with the traditions of family gatherings, giving gifts, and festive decorations.  But for the Christian, Easter is perhaps the most important day of all.  The story of Easter has been told countless times in books, movies, and of course, the Bible.  It is not new, and it has not changed.  The story of Easter is a simple message of faith.

A man named Jesus was crucified.  He was nailed to a cross where he died.  After death, he was buried.  Three days later, he rose from the grave defeating death and leaving an empty tomb.  Because of his resurrection, all who believe can have eternal life in heaven.

The simple message of faith requires repentance on the part of sinners and belief that Jesus did, indeed, die and rose again to save sinners so they may have life everlasting.  We have hope in Christ because of the message found in John 3:16 (KJV):  “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  Have a blessed Easter!