By Rosie Moore
That’s the name of a little book I recently received. And here is the introduction for that book:
“A woman and her granddaughter were spending time together one day. As often happened the little girl was plying her grandma with questions. Suddenly, with a very serious tone the girl asked, “Grandma, what happens when you die?”
The woman explained to the best of her ability, but the girl only looked at her in wonder. “Does that mean you won’t be here with me anymore?” she asked.
The grandmother nodded and said, “Yes, that is true.”
“Does that mean you won’t be able to bake cookies with me anymore? asked the girl.
“Yes,” said the grandmother, “it’s true.”
“Does that mean you won’t be able to teach me to sew anymore?”
“Yes,” said the woman, “it is true.”
“Does it mean you won’t be able to take me shopping anymore?”
“Yes,” said Grandma, “it is true”.
“Well,” said the girl, “who will do those things, if you are not here?”
The woman responded, “Honey, when that time comes, it will be time for you to do those things for another little girl.”
The book went on to say, “yes, the time will come for the next generation to pass it on. Which brings to mind another thought–what will they have from our generation to pass on to the next? What are we leaving behind which will be important enough to pass on to the next generation? It’s a challenge….but will our generation pass along life principles that are so important they will not be discarded by the next? Let’s keep at it and not give up.”
Some more thoughts: A grandmother is a babysitter who watches the kids instead of the television. (unknown).
God gave us memories that we might have roses in December. (Sir James M. Barrie)
To know the road ahead–ask those coming back. (Chinese proverb).
It’s such a grand thing to be a mother of a mother–that’s why the world calls her grandmother. (Unknown).
Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles. (George Eliot).
When my mother’s first grandchild was born, she moaned and groaned, “but I’m too young to be a grandmother.” When that grandchild’s child was born, she didn’t say a word. She said later, “I feel so blessed.” And I feel truly blessed. This year I will have my twenty-seventh great-grandchild!
Thought for the day: The great gift of family life is to be intimately acquainted with people you might never even introduced yourself had life not done it for you. Kendall Hailey–An American writer
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