The New Order

The news media did not lose its credibility. It threw it away.

Don Surber

By Dr. Jim Ferguson

I begin this last column of the year on a high note of optimism. The year 2024 was the proverbial Alexander’s “Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad [year].” I’m done with Biden and Democrats as well as the credulous voters, celebs and media sycophants who enabled Democrats to damn near destroy the economy, the military, women’s sports, national security, the border and the country. We are blessed to be given a chance to make things right.

Psychological manipulation by Democrats and their media toadies promulgated a psyops campaign which induced delusional hatred in the minds of John Q Public. As a result, in 2020 America elected a corrupt and incompetent president. Then elites lied about Biden’s dementia to keep him in the White House as a figurehead, rubber stamping the destructive, progressive-socialist and anti-American policies of open borders, crime and the loss of American national security. This was the greatest scandal in our nation’s history. Perhaps I will someday be able to forgive those who were duped, but I will never forget or forgive those who perpetrated this fraud.

Meanwhile, the feckless Biden continues to pardon and release criminals, while flushing our money down the toilet. What a decrepit and evil person he is. I blame his wife, the Democrat leadership, the utterly worthless legacy media and voters who supported this farce because of dysfunctional hatred.

Thankfully, President Trump was historically re-elected November 5, 2024, in a landslide and will become the actual president on January 20, although he is the de facto president now. And while we tried to celebrate the victory and Christmas, another Groundhog Day-like budget “food” fight in Congress occurred. Instead of passing a real budget these so-called legislators passed another dysfunctional CR (continuing resolution) to fund the government till March. It took three tries, but the government was not shut down, so the new Congress can be seated, the certification of the election on January 6, 2025, can occur and allowing Trump to be sworn in on January 20. “What a world, what a world,” said the Wicked Witch of the West. (Maybe she was referring to the melting Democrat party.)

There is again hope as Sheriff Trump and his posse come to town. I don’t expect the damage to be magically repaired. The Democrats,  Washington, D.C., deep state bureaucrats and what’s left of the legacy media will resist anything that takes away their power, the will of the people be damned. Americans voted overwhelmingly for an about-face to Democrat progressive-socialist policies and the destructive Washington status quo. RINOs be forewarned: Get with the reform movement or you will be primaried and gone.

Some years ago, I learned about the concept of the “the first follower.” I highly recommend you watch this intriguing leadership video by Derek Sivers on YouTube. The concept is that a leader obviously needs followers to produce a movement. The first follower of the leader is critical because he metaphorically breaks the ice. The first follower enables others to overcome their inhibitions or the gaslighting (shaming) of others, and join him and the leader of the nascent movement.

I thought about this concept when I saw Elon Musk dancing on the stage at a Trump rally this summer. Trump was already the leader of the MAGA movement, but when Musk joined the “Trump dance” the dam broke, enabling others to overcome their fear of rejection and join the movement.

You could say the same thing of the Joe Rogan interview of Trump. To those who watched the conversational “dance,” it was obvious that the media and Democrat portrayal of Trump was a lie. The opposite might also apply to Biden after the presidential debate which revealed his dementia and caused the Democrat presidential campaign to collapse when their leader was shown to be a sick fraud.

Although the media told us not to believe our eyes, we did not accept their delusional lie. As a result, Pelosi and Schumer had to take Biden off the dance floor to preserve their movement. But it’s too late. “The sleeping giant has been awakened.” The old dinosaurs and their broken party will thankfully not soon recover. Furthermore, the legacy media is dead; even the odious Leslie Stahl of CBS proclaims it.

Although I’m aware of national and world events as well as politics, I refused to let Washington miscreants spoil my enthusiasm for the new order or my Christmas spirit. However, the latter was tested as Becky and I fought the crowds and took a car full of grandkids and their friends to the Market Square to ice skate just before Christmas. School was out and working parents needed our help with kids. It is how a grandfather maintains his purpose and credibility among children who don’t read The Focus!

Relax. Although I played ice hockey in college, Becky and I no longer skate. Furthermore, as I enter my seventy-fourth circuit of the sun, I’ve sworn off cleaning gutters on a ladder. Becky assured me it was relatively safe to transport, provision and chaperone kids, as well as repeatedly lace and unlace skates. Becky also maintains that, “It’s a good activity.”

And then on Christmas Eve in the midst of a roomful of family, friends and most importantly children, I reflected on why I oppose those who call themselves Democrats. I fight for my kids more than for me. I have often reassured myself that even the terrible Biden and his handlers couldn’t completely destroy America in the time I have left.

Fortunately I won’t have to face that possibility. Biden is done. Kamala is going the way of the dodo. And President Trump and his MAGA movement is coming to town, ushering in such a wave of optimism and reform that my children and country will be safe. I can relax.

I’m actually looking forward to 2025, and the happier New Year that is coming!