What do you collect?
By Mike Steely
My wife and I collect cups and photos from the places we visited or lived, campaign and promotional buttons.. During the recent holiday break, I asked other folks what they collect.
The replies came from Focus newspaper and online readers, relatives, friends and public officials, and the answers were surprising. Here are some of the replies.
Gerald Witt: Ornaments from all over the world. And magnets for the fridge.
Carson Dailey: Patches from where I have visited. Have 100s in my 50-plus years.
Sylvia Woods: Patches and I put them on burlap and a dowel and hang it on a wall.
Dennis Porter: Coffee mugs. One from each city that we like. Useful, colorful and make an interesting display on our kitchen counter. And memories with each one.
Lynne Ralph Siglin: When we take a trip I often pick up a random small stone and use a permanent marker to write the name of the place and date. I bring it home and put it with the others.
Keith Hausman: Being a physical therapist I have collected interesting and unusual canes from around the world. Two of my most prized canes actually came from the Jellico area. Many reflect master craftsmanship with intricate carvings.
Jeff Smith: Shot glasses.
Connie Hoskins Brust: Blue Willow dishware and Nativity Scenes
Barry Arnett: Over the years at various times I have collected stamps, coins, gothic architectural books on cathedrals, and irons. Currently, I only have a small collection of stuffed animals I like.
Michelle Ivester: Shot glasses and Tee shirts
Dominique Oakley: License plates
Larry W. Cooper: Case pocketknives
Christine Shanholtzer: I collect quilting fabrics and tiny boxes.
Esther Berland Blevins: Magnets and snow globes. Magnets especially… they don’t take up any real space and you can even find them last second at an airport gift shop.
Vickie Jordan: Rocks
Carroll Bible: Another vote for rocks–I left hundreds of pounds when I moved; starting over.
Matt James: Memories
Knoxville Community Media: Stories!
Susan Shipley: Old Phones
Misty Williams: Post Cards and shot glasses
Charlie Rhodarmer: Cool Stuff with Cool Friends that make cool memories.
Vito A. Sagliano: Knowledge, I love learning about everything. History and rough gemstones right after.
Tasha Blakney: Cookbooks, hippopotamus figures and Christmas ornaments from places we’ve traveled.
Mark Chipcase: Knives